In the financial world, managing and mitigating risk is crucial for the stability of financial institutions. Basel I, introduced by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, provides a framework for banks to calculate and maintain adequate capital to cover their risk exposures. This blog post will demonstrate how to calculate the risk of a sample portfolio with three financial instruments to fulfill Basel I requirements using C# and .NET 8.

Basel I Overview

Basel I focuses primarily on credit risk and defines a minimum capital requirement for banks, which is 8% of their risk-weighted assets (RWA). The RWA is calculated by assigning risk weights to different asset classes based on their credit risk.

Sample Portfolio

Let’s consider a sample portfolio with the following three instruments:

  1. Corporate Bond: $1,000,000
  2. Residential Mortgage: $500,000
  3. Cash: $200,000

Risk Weights under Basel I

  • Corporate Bond: 100%
  • Residential Mortgage: 50%
  • Cash: 0%

Calculation of Risk-Weighted Assets

To calculate the RWA, we multiply the value of each asset by its respective risk weight and then sum these values. The required capital is 8% of the total RWA.

Example Code in C# for Calculating RWA

Here’s how to calculate the RWA and the required capital for our sample portfolio using C# and .NET 8:

using System;

public class BaselICalculator
    public static double CalculateRiskWeightedAssets(double assetValue, double riskWeight)
        return assetValue * riskWeight;

    public static void Main()
        // Portfolio Values
        double corporateBondValue = 1000000; // $1,000,000
        double residentialMortgageValue = 500000; // $500,000
        double cashValue = 200000; // $200,000

        // Risk Weights under Basel I
        double corporateBondRiskWeight = 1.0; // 100%
        double residentialMortgageRiskWeight = 0.5; // 50%
        double cashRiskWeight = 0.0; // 0%

        // Calculate Risk-Weighted Assets (RWA)
        double corporateBondRWA = CalculateRiskWeightedAssets(corporateBondValue, corporateBondRiskWeight);
        double residentialMortgageRWA = CalculateRiskWeightedAssets(residentialMortgageValue, residentialMortgageRiskWeight);
        double cashRWA = CalculateRiskWeightedAssets(cashValue, cashRiskWeight);

        // Total RWA
        double totalRWA = corporateBondRWA + residentialMortgageRWA + cashRWA;
        Console.WriteLine($"Total Risk-Weighted Assets (RWA): ${totalRWA}");

        // Required Capital (8% of Total RWA)
        double requiredCapital = totalRWA * 0.08;
        Console.WriteLine($"Required Capital: ${requiredCapital}");


  • CalculateRiskWeightedAssets: A method that multiplies the asset value by the risk weight to calculate the risk-weighted assets.
  • Main: In the Main method, we define the values and risk weights of the portfolio assets. We then calculate the RWA for each asset, sum them to get the total RWA, and finally, calculate the required capital as 8% of the total RWA.


Calculating the risk of a portfolio to meet Basel I requirements involves understanding the risk weights assigned to different asset classes and applying these weights to the portfolio’s assets. In our example, we calculated the risk-weighted assets for a portfolio containing a corporate bond, a residential mortgage, and cash. Using C# and .NET 8, we demonstrated how to compute the total RWA and determine the required capital to ensure compliance with Basel I.

This straightforward approach to risk calculation helps financial institutions maintain adequate capital buffers, promoting stability and reducing the likelihood of financial distress. Understanding and implementing these calculations is essential for effective risk management in the banking sector.

Calculating Portfolio Risk to Fulfill Basel I Requirements Using C# and .NET 8

Johannes Rest

.NET Architekt und Entwickler


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