The Camunda Workflow Engine is a robust and flexible platform designed to automate and manage business processes. Whether it’s handling user input, running data-intensive tasks, or managing long-running workflows, Camunda provides a comprehensive set of features to streamline workflow execution and ensure reliability. In this blog post, we will delve into how Camunda handles incoming requests, processes various types of workflows, and manages long-running tasks, including hydration/dehydration of workflow instances and error handling.

Overview of Camunda Workflow Engine

Camunda BPM (Business Process Management) is an open-source platform that facilitates the modeling, execution, and monitoring of business processes. It supports BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) for workflow definition, DMN (Decision Model and Notation) for decision management, and CMMN (Case Management Model and Notation) for case management. Camunda is designed to be highly scalable, allowing it to handle simple user tasks as well as complex, data-intensive, and long-running processes.

Handling Incoming Requests

Camunda can handle incoming requests through various interfaces:

  1. REST API: Camunda exposes a REST API for starting processes, querying tasks, and retrieving results. This API can be integrated into web applications, mobile apps, and other systems.
  2. Java API: For applications written in Java, Camunda provides a comprehensive Java API for interacting with the engine programmatically.
  3. External Task Pattern: This allows external workers to fetch and lock tasks, execute business logic, and then complete the tasks, making it suitable for microservices architectures.

Example: Starting a Process via REST API

POST /engine-rest/process-definition/key/myProcess/start
  "variables": {
    "inputVar": {
      "value": "someValue",
      "type": "String"

This request starts a new instance of the process identified by the key myProcess with an input variable.

Processing Workflows

Camunda processes workflows defined in BPMN. These workflows can include user tasks, service tasks, script tasks, and more. Let’s explore how Camunda handles different types of tasks.

User Tasks

User tasks require human interaction. Camunda provides a Tasklist application where users can claim and complete tasks. The tasklist can be customized or replaced with a custom UI using the provided APIs.

Service Tasks

Service tasks are automated steps that can perform various actions, such as calling external services, executing scripts, or running Java code.

Example: Service Task Configuration

<bpmn:serviceTask id="serviceTask" name="Call Service" camunda:class="com.example.ServiceTaskDelegate" />

In this example, the service task calls a Java class to perform its work.

Data-Intensive Tasks

For data-intensive tasks, Camunda allows the use of external workers. This decouples the workflow engine from the heavy processing logic, ensuring that the engine remains responsive.

Example: External Task Pattern

  1. Define the external task in BPMN:
   <bpmn:serviceTask id="externalTask" name="Data Processing" camunda:type="external" camunda:topic="dataProcessing" />
  1. Implement the external worker:
   ExternalTaskClient client = ExternalTaskClient.create().baseUrl("http://localhost:8080/engine-rest").build();

     .handler((externalTask, externalTaskService) -> {
         // Process the task
         // Complete the task

Managing Long-Running Workflows

Camunda is well-suited for long-running workflows. It supports wait states and can persist the state of workflow instances to handle long delays.

Hydration and Dehydration

Camunda can “hydrate” (load into memory) and “dehydrate” (persist to storage) workflow instances, allowing the engine to manage resources efficiently. This is crucial for long-running processes where parts of the process may wait for external events or user input for extended periods.

Handling Wait States

Using BPMN constructs like timers and event-based gateways, Camunda can manage wait states effectively.

Example: Timer Event

<bpmn:intermediateCatchEvent id="waitForTimer">

In this example, the workflow will wait for one hour before proceeding.

Error Handling in Camunda

Error handling is a critical aspect of any workflow engine. Camunda provides several mechanisms for managing errors and exceptions.

BPMN Error Events

Camunda supports BPMN error events to handle exceptions within a workflow.

Example: BPMN Error Event

<bpmn:serviceTask id="serviceTask" name="Call Service" camunda:class="com.example.ServiceTaskDelegate">
  <bpmn:boundaryEvent id="serviceTaskError" attachedToRef="serviceTask">
    <bpmn:errorEventDefinition errorRef="ServiceError" />

If an error occurs in the ServiceTaskDelegate class, the workflow can handle it using the boundary event.

Incident Management

Camunda also provides incident management for automatic retries and manual resolution of issues.

Example: Incident Handling

When an incident occurs, it is logged and can be reviewed in Camunda’s Cockpit application. This allows administrators to resolve the issue and retry the failed task.


The Camunda Workflow Engine is a powerful tool for managing business processes. It handles incoming requests through REST and Java APIs, processes workflows with user input and service tasks, and efficiently manages long-running and data-intensive tasks. Camunda’s support for hydration and dehydration of workflow instances ensures resource efficiency, while robust error handling mechanisms guarantee reliable execution.

By leveraging Camunda’s capabilities, organizations can automate complex workflows, integrate with external systems, and handle errors gracefully, resulting in streamlined operations and increased efficiency. Whether you’re running simple user tasks or complex data processing, Camunda provides the tools needed to manage your workflows effectively.

Exploring the Camunda Workflow Engine: Handling Requests, Processing Workflows, and Managing Long-Running Tasks

Johannes Rest

.NET Architekt und Entwickler


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