In the world of Linux firewall management, a significant shift has occurred in recent years with the adoption of nftables as the next-generation packet filtering framework. On Rocky Linux, a popular distribution known for its stability and security features, transitioning from iptables to nftables is not only beneficial but also aligns your system for the future. In this blog post, we’ll explore the reasons behind this migration, the benefits it offers, and how to make the switch seamlessly.

Why Migrate from iptables to nftables?

1. Modernization and Long-term Support

Iptables has been a stalwart in Linux firewall management for many years, but it was replaced by nftables for a good reason. Iptables was starting to show its age and lacked some of the advanced features needed for modern networking. Nftables, on the other hand, is a modern framework designed to address these limitations.

Rocky Linux, following its Red Hat Enterprise Linux roots, embraces nftables as the default packet filtering framework. This choice reflects a commitment to modernization and long-term support. By migrating to nftables, you ensure that your firewall remains in sync with the latest developments and security enhancements.

2. Unified Syntax

Nftables provides a unified and more human-readable syntax for configuring both IPv4 and IPv6 rules. This simplifies rule management and reduces the complexity associated with managing separate rule sets for different IP versions. The transition to nftables streamlines and simplifies your firewall rules, making them more efficient and easier to understand.

3. Enhanced Rule Matching

Nftables offers improved rule matching capabilities, including better support for packet classification, sets, maps, and expressions. This enables finer-grained control over your firewall rules and makes it easier to create complex rule sets. Whether you need to block specific IP ranges or prioritize certain types of traffic, nftables provides the tools to do so.

4. Improved Performance

Nftables is designed with performance in mind. It offers optimized data structures and rule processing mechanisms, resulting in faster and more efficient packet filtering. This is particularly important in today’s networks, where high-speed data transfer is common.

Benefits of Migrating to nftables

1. Simplified Configuration

Migrating to nftables often leads to simpler and more concise firewall rules. The unified syntax, combined with enhanced rule matching capabilities, makes it easier to express your intentions. This simplicity not only reduces the chances of misconfigurations but also makes the management of your firewall rules more efficient.

2. Greater Flexibility

Nftables provides a high degree of flexibility. You can create rules based on advanced criteria like packet payload content, allowing you to implement more sophisticated security policies. This flexibility is crucial for adapting to evolving security threats.

3. Network Address Translation (NAT) Improvements

For those utilizing NAT for services like port forwarding or load balancing, nftables offers superior NAT capabilities. The improved NAT support simplifies configurations and enhances performance, benefiting applications that rely on NAT.

4. Improved Logging and Monitoring

Nftables provides better logging and monitoring capabilities, making it easier to track network activity and security events. With comprehensive logs, you can more effectively detect and respond to potential threats.

5. Forward Compatibility

Migrating to nftables positions your system for future compatibility with other modern Linux distributions and upstream projects. You’ll have a more seamless experience when moving between distributions or collaborating with others who use nftables.

Migrating to nftables on Rocky Linux

Now, let’s discuss how to migrate your firewall from iptables to nftables on a Rocky Linux system. Here are the steps to follow:

1. Verify nftables Installation

Ensure that nftables is installed on your system. If not, you can install it using the package manager:

sudo dnf install nftables

2. Backup Your iptables Rules

Before proceeding, create a backup of your existing iptables rules. This ensures you have a safety net in case anything goes wrong during the migration:

sudo iptables-save > iptables_rules_backup

3. Migrate Your Rules

Migrating your iptables rules to nftables may require some manual translation due to syntax differences. Here’s an example of how to convert an iptables rule to an nftables rule:

Iptables Rule:

sudo iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT

Nftables Rule:

sudo nft add rule ip filter input iifname "eth0" tcp dport 80 accept

You will need to adapt your rules accordingly.

4. Load nftables Rules

After creating your nftables rules, load them using the following command:

sudo nft -f your_nft_rules_file

Ensure that your nftables rules are loaded without errors.

5. Test Your Rules

Test your firewall rules to ensure that they function as expected. This involves validating your rules by monitoring network traffic and verifying that it behaves according to your security policies.

6. Optional: Remove iptables

If you are confident that your nftables rules are working correctly and do not plan to revert to iptables, you can remove iptables from your system:

sudo dnf remove iptables

Keep in mind that this step is optional and depends on your specific requirements.


Migrating from iptables to nftables on a Rocky Linux server is a forward-looking approach that offers numerous benefits, including modernization, enhanced performance, and improved rule management. By embracing nftables, you position your system to meet the challenges of the evolving networking landscape and ensure long-term support and compatibility.

While the migration process may require some effort and adjustments to your firewall rules, the advantages are well worth it. Simplified configurations, greater flexibility, and improved rule matching are just a few of the benefits you’ll experience with nftables.

As you make the transition, remember to test and validate your rules thoroughly to ensure your system’s security. Once you’ve successfully migrated to nftables, you’ll be well-prepared for the future of Linux networking and firewall management on your Rocky Linux server.

Migrating from iptables to nftables: A Future-Ready Approach on Rocky Linux

Johannes Rest

.NET Architekt und Entwickler


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