In today’s digital age, ensuring the integrity and availability of your data is paramount. Virtual machines (VMs) have become a cornerstone in many IT environments due to their flexibility and efficiency. However, like any other critical system, they need to be backed up regularly to prevent data loss, ensure business continuity, and maintain system integrity. This blog post delves into the importance of backing up QEMU/KVM virtual machines on Arch Linux and provides a practical script to automate the process.

Why Backup Your Virtual Machines?

  1. Data Protection: VMs host crucial applications and data. Backing them up ensures that you have a copy of your data in case of corruption, accidental deletion, or hardware failure.
  2. Business Continuity: In the event of a system crash or disaster, having backups enables you to restore your services quickly, minimizing downtime and maintaining business operations.
  3. System Integrity: Regular backups allow you to revert to a known good state in case of system misconfigurations or software issues.
  4. Security: Backups help in recovering from security incidents, such as ransomware attacks, where data might be compromised or encrypted.
  5. Compliance: Many industries require regular backups to comply with regulatory standards, ensuring that data is available and secure.

Automated Backup Script for QEMU/KVM on Arch Linux

To streamline the backup process, we’ve created a bash script that automates the backup of both VM disk images and configuration files. This script ensures that your backups are consistent and stored safely.

Here is the script:


# Define the backup directory
DATE=$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S)

# Create a timestamped backup directory

# Function to backup a single VM
backup_vm() {
    VM_DISK=$(virsh domblklist "$VM_NAME" | grep -E 'qcow2|img' | awk '{print $2}')

    # Copy the VM configuration file
    if [ -f "$VM_CONFIG" ]; then
        echo "Configuration file for $VM_NAME not found."

    # Copy the VM disk image(s)
    for DISK in $VM_DISK; do
        if [ -f "$DISK" ]; then
            cp "$DISK" "$TIMESTAMPED_BACKUP_DIR/"
            echo "Disk image $DISK for $VM_NAME not found."

# Stop the libvirt service
echo "Stopping libvirt service..."
sudo systemctl stop libvirtd

# Get a list of all VMs
VM_LIST=$(virsh list --all --name)

# Backup each VM
for VM in $VM_LIST; do
    echo "Backing up VM: $VM"
    backup_vm "$VM"

# Start the libvirt service
echo "Starting libvirt service..."
sudo systemctl start libvirtd

echo "Backup completed. Files saved to $TIMESTAMPED_BACKUP_DIR"

Steps to Use the Script

  1. Save the Script: Save the script above to a file, for example,
  2. Make the Script Executable: Change the permissions to make the script executable.
   chmod +x
  1. Run the Script: Execute the script with superuser privileges.
   sudo ./


Backing up your QEMU/KVM virtual machines on Arch Linux is a crucial task that ensures data protection, business continuity, system integrity, security, and compliance. The provided script automates the backup process, making it simple and efficient to safeguard your virtual environments. Regularly scheduled backups, combined with proper storage strategies, will give you peace of mind knowing that your VMs are protected against data loss and system failures.

Investing a small amount of time to set up and maintain your VM backups can save you from significant headaches and potential losses in the future. Start backing up your virtual machines today and secure your digital assets with ease.

The Importance of Backing Up QEMU/KVM Virtual Machines on Arch Linux

Johannes Rest

.NET Architekt und Entwickler


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