
Over time, an Arch Linux system can accumulate build artifacts, temporary files, and unnecessary clutter that may consume valuable disk space and slow down your system. To keep your Arch Linux installation running smoothly and maintain a lean system, it’s essential to perform regular maintenance by cleaning up these build artifacts. In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of cleaning up your Arch Linux system efficiently.

1. Clear Package Cache

Arch Linux maintains a package cache at /var/cache/pacman/pkg, which contains older versions of installed packages. Over time, these packages can take up a significant amount of space. You can clear this cache using the following command:

sudo paccache -r

This command will remove packages that are no longer installed and keep the most recent three versions of each package.

2. Remove Orphaned Packages

Orphaned packages are packages that were initially installed as dependencies for other software but are no longer required. You can identify and remove them using the pacman command:

sudo pacman -Qdtq | sudo pacman -Rns -

This command will find orphaned packages, prompt you for confirmation, and remove them.

3. Clean up the AUR

If you often build software from the Arch User Repository (AUR), your system may accumulate build artifacts in the AUR’s default cache directory (~/.cache/yay/ or ~/.cache/trizen/). To clean it up, you can use your AUR helper’s built-in cleaning feature. For example, if you use Yay:

yay -Yc

This command will remove unnecessary build files from the cache.

4. Clean Pacman Cache Manually

Pacman’s cache, located at /var/cache/pacman/pkg, can accumulate various files over time, especially if you frequently install or update packages. If you want to retain only the latest version of each package in your cache, you can use the following commands:

sudo paccache -rk1

This command will retain only the most recent version of each package, ensuring you don’t remove packages currently in use.

5. Remove Old Kernels

Arch Linux retains old kernel versions when updates occur. These old kernels can take up a considerable amount of disk space. You can remove them using the linux package manager and checking your installed kernels:

mhwd-kernel -li

Then, uninstall the older kernels using the following command, replacing kernel_version with the actual version number:

sudo pacman -R linux<kernel_version>

6. Delete Old Configuration Files

Old configuration files can accumulate and clutter your system. You can use the find command to search for and delete old configuration files. For example, to remove configuration files older than a year:

find ~/.config -type f -mtime +365 -exec rm {} \;

7. Review and Clean Your Home Directory

Your home directory might also accumulate temporary files and clutter over time. Manually review your files, documents, and downloads, and delete what you no longer need. Organize your files into meaningful directories to keep your home folder clean and organized.


Cleaning up build artifacts and unnecessary files on your Arch Linux system is essential for maintaining a lean and efficient system. Regular maintenance not only frees up disk space but also improves system performance and responsiveness. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can keep your Arch Linux installation clean and running smoothly, ensuring it remains a reliable and efficient platform for your computing needs.

A Guide to Cleaning Up Build Artifacts on Arch Linux for a Leaner System

Johannes Rest

.NET Architekt und Entwickler


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